Storm Clouds that can reach Hurricane Strength

Last year around this time when you spoke about market valuation excesses and…

In any ascent, the last 100 meters are the hardest one or a 2021 Stock market Crash?

Many observers say that current valuations are mostly justified by extremely…

Why is this Crisis Different?

What makes this crisis different from others? In my lifetime, any recession has…

The Fear is the Fear

It is not so long ago, I looked at the predictions of the larger brokerage…

Trade Fears intensify: the Beginning of a Global Recession?

Many investment professionals have seen a recession on the horizon since 2017.…

Merger between DB and Commerzbank looks unstoppable?

Germany has an extraordinary crowded banking landscape. According to the…

2019: A recession or a slow-down?

After the recent IMF economic outlook, there are no doubts: everyone from the…

Selected US Outlooks for 2019

When we look at this year´s  oracles most of them did not anticipate…

The GE Moment for Corporate Debt? or GE as a Canary in the Coal Mine?

by ShareAmerica, 2014 According to a Discussion paper published by the McKinsey…

Italian Debt: the Achilles Heel of Europe?

Recently I sat in a meeting of a renowned European university with people from…